Get involved

Two young males sat outside drinking hot drinks while laughing and chatting to each other.
Find out how you can get involved in charity work and make a difference with your skills, time or finances. 

There are lots of ways you can take a stand against the tide of poverty in the UK. Millions of people are living in destitution right now, but we believe that can and must change. We’re committed to seeing transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty. And we need your support to make that happen!

If you’re looking to support a charity, then you’re in the right place. Whether you want to volunteer, fundraise, pray, run one of our services, inspire your church to get on board, donate or campaign, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved.

Get involved as an individual

Get involved as a church

Give financially as a church

Giving financially helps us to continue our work and support more people across the UK. Support the work of CAP together as a church community

Deliver a Sunday service on UK poverty

Join thousands of other churches in calling for a society where everyone can live life to the full. Inspire your church to learn about God’s heart for UK poverty this October, with free worship and teaching resources.

Request a CAP Speaker

Request a CAP Speaker to come and deliver a biblical message that will inspire and equip your church in the fight against UK poverty.


We would love you to pray. We believe that God is listening and he answers our prayers. We can advise on what you and your community can pray for to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty.

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Take action

Campaign with us. Use your voice and put your faith into action to tackle UK poverty and injustice. Ask your church to support our most recent campaign.

Thank you for standing with us

We want to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty, and we can’t do it without you – our amazing supporters. Thanks to your generosity, thousands of people find freedom, hope and a brighter future every year.

We’ve helped more than 20,000 people become debt free since 2010 
Hand holding heart
people giving regularly to the work of CAP in the UK 
churches involved in delivering CAP services in their community